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IEEE Region 10 Meeting

Cebu Island. Its name immediately reminded of my teacher in junior high school who taught history with such enthusiasm. She told us about the exploration of Fernão de Magalhães, a Portuguese sailor who had reached Malaka with d’Albuquerque, and then served Isabel the Spanish Queen, and explored to the west to prove that the earth is round. The mission was accomplished quite successfully. But from the hundreds of sailors, only a dozen could return to Spain, led by Juan Sebastian Elcano. Magellan (that’s how his name is spelled in English) was too busy conquering the islands around Cebu. But at the beach of Mactan, Magellan was killed in a battle against the leader of the Mactan tribe: Lapu-Lapu. Of course at last Spanish conquered the islands, which was later called the Philippines. Spanish colonialism was replaced by the United States, and is now replaced by the local rich people. Mactan has become an integral part of Cebu, which is connected with two major bridges. Cebu Airport was located in Mactan. In the city of Lapu-Lapu :).

At a resort at one end of Lapu-Lapu City, only about 5 minutes walking from the location of the Battle of Mactan, the IEEE Region 10 Annual Meeting was held last week. Indonesia Section sent 2 representatives, plus 1 from Indonesia Comsoc Chapter, and 1 from the organiser of TENCON 2011 (that will be held in Bali in 2011). The conference was quite comprehensive. In addition to the Officers of Region 10 and the entire Sections below, also attended the IEEE President Elect Moshe Kam, and a representative from Region 8 (Europe Africa) Joseph Modelsky.

Interesting to listen to Kam’s presentation. The IEEE is the result of the merged AIEE and IRE. AIEE was a classical organisation occupied by an electrical engineers; while IRE was the organisation that possessed the young engineers who focused on electronics technology. Just like NEFO and OLDEFO, haha. Both had a growing number of members; but IRE grew much faster than AIEE. The mergers in 1963 to form the IEEE could overcome the problem of dualism. Then the societies, regions, sections, etc were formed. The IEEE is now recognised as the authority holder in various fields of science and engineering. From 20 most referred journals in electrical engineering, 16 is from the IEEE. From 20 most referred journals in telecommunications, 15 is from the IEEE. And so on. But from 20 most referred journals in medical informatics, only 2 is from the IEEE. And from 20 most referred journals in nanoscience, none is from the IEEE. Kam concluded: IEEE could have become the established power as the AIEE before the merger; white the life science develops in the direction that is favoured by young scientists and engineers, just like the IRE before the merger. Then he delivered the BOD mandate: the IEEE must be directed to the relevant technology. IEEE is not just an association of the learned, but an organisation of engineers and professionals. Related to it, Region 10 launched programmes that lead to increased benefits to members and the community through the development of the organisation, profession, and technologies that are relevant to the present.


What is the benefit IEEE membership? This is a question that was examined even since I was an Associate Member. I stay here long enough, with my own reasons. But I don’t think my personal reason could effect the same to my colleagues, or make the other engineers interested in and participate actively in the IEEE. Some interesting things often mentioned include: access to engineering knowledge, increased professionalism, networking opportunities, community service, career opportunities, and others. But for the engineers in Indonesia, maybe they are not enough, especially since this organisation apply an ‘attractive’ annual fee. So we in Indonesia Section (and the Communication Society Chapter I am managing now) wish to create more benefits: opening new opportunities for networking, increasing professional image of IEEE members (technical expertise combined with the human communication expertise), and arranging a series of activities to share knowledge.

These strategies, and others, were explored and discussed those days, to form a breakthrough in the development of organization, profession, and technologies. Other things include the concerns over the lack of role of women engineers, and has been embodied in the Women in Engineering (WIE). Also the necessity to increase the role of new engineers (GOLD – graduation of the last decade). IEEE philanthropy-wing is also in development by the HTC (humanitarian technology challenge). And many other ideas.

BTW, I like Cebu. The people is friendly. They speak English quite well, but they speak Cebuanos among themselves, with some similar vocabularies to Indonesian. Haha. Almost all essential information is written and printed in English. Unlike other cities in South-East Asia; Mactan and Cebu sprinkled with warm sunshine all day, with almost no clouds. The sea sent cool breeze all day. The atmosphere of the city is a bit like small cities in Indonesia, with various types of public transportation (the Jeepney), the food sellers on the edge and in the middle of the streets, the taxi drivers who charged with no rule.

UPH Seminar on 4G Technologies

I spent two weeks discussing the infrastructures for network services & contents in Gegerkalong Campus, the Learning Centre of Telkom. On the last day, almost without break, I had to fly to Surabaya for preparing a seminar. This seminar is a part of the seminar series Opening The Gates to 4G Mobile Technology that we have carried out in Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. In Surabaya, the seminar is hosted by Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH Surabaya). It was held at Hotel Mercure Surabaya on 20 February 2009.

The seminar was coordinated directly by Vice Rector of UPH, Prof John Batubara. Unlike the previous seminars in this series, this one was attended by the IEEE Indonesia Section Chair, Mr Arnold Ph. Djiwatampu, and the Rector of UPH Jonathan Parapak. The presenters, in succession:

  • Arnold Ph. Djiwatampu (IEEE Indonesia Section Chair), Opening Speech
  • Jonathan Parapak (Rector of UPH), Welcome Speech
  • Muhammad Ary Murti: Introduction to the IEEE, societies, Indonesia section, chapters, membership.
  • Kuncoro Wastuwibowo (IEEE Comsoc Indonesia Chapter Chair): 4G Mobile Technologies, network & service aspects, cognitive radio, 4G candidates
  • Arif Hamdani Gunawan (IEEE Indonesia Section Vice Chair): LTE -> evolution, features, architecture
  • Prof. Dr. Dadang Gunawan: IEEE Student Branch
  • Arif Hamdani Gunawan: LTE -> radio access, OFDMA & SCFDMA, implementation plan
  • Kuncoro Wastuwibowo: WiMAX II -> evolution, features, architecture

Participants came from UPH Surabaya and other campuses around Surabaya, as well as some professionals who study the field of mobile telecommunications. And just like the way I came — i.e. with almost no break — I also had to leave Surabaya the same way. Signed the certificates, and run for the flight under a heavy rain under Surabaya sky. But I was delighted — it was a very successful seminar. Thank you, UPH Surabaya :).

IEEE Seminar on Digital TV

This year IEEE Indonesia Section and its chapters plan to intensify seminars & lecturing in several cities in Indonesia. Since last year, its Communication Society (Comsoc) Chapter had conducted a seminar series on 4G Mobile Technology. While still running it, now we start another series in parallel (series in parallel, haha). So today we carry out a seminar in the new series: Digital TV. As the previous series, this one also commenced in Bandung; this time in the Hotel Nalendra, Cihampelas.

The seminar is still going on now. It is amazing to see the participants who attend the seminar today. From Mrs. Kusmarihati of Mastel (previously, she was Telkom’s Director of Development, CEO of Telkomsel, and Chairperson of BRTI), some Heads of Department and officials from Universities (Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Ahmad Yani, Maranatha University, ITENAS, IT Telkom), the representatives of the operators & providers (Telkom, XL Axiata, DAAITV, Nasio), and several other professionals. Heavy enough:).

The materials in this seminar:

  • Muhammad Ary Murti, IEEE as a Professional Organization
  • Arief Hamdani Gunawan, Digital TV & IPTV Network
  • Kuncoro Wastuwibowo, Video Coding, Compression, & Formats
  • Prasetya Irwan Gunawan, Quality of Service & Quality of Experience
  • Satrio Dharmanto, IPTV Implementation in Several Countries

I guess it is because of the weather of Bandung, with a combination of warm sunshine over chilly air, the discussion took place very warm. Or hot. We were not only arguing about business implementations and engineering decisions, but also the decision to select some mathematical formula. Why do we use DCT instead DFFT? Haha. Funnily I had an answer for that one :D.

This seminar is also supported by Multikom as a sponsor. Next Digital TV discussion will be delivered in the form of lecturing at Bina Nusantara University next weekend.

Any Question?

Just yesterday my fellows bloggers/tweeters introduced me to an interesting site: Well, it’s a long holiday, so I gave it a try. Quite funny. Here in Indonesia we have a significant number of bloggers, tweeters, Facebook users, and other intensively-connected social networkers. I guess it will take only days for Indonesians to grab and use this service — cuz we have had the network! Finding friends etc is not a problem.

Here’s my account: If you know me personally, you would know that I always reluctant to answer personal questions. But with, I feel it is obligatory to answer all questions. So far. Until I’m bored, I guess :). So, while I have no FAQ here, you may ask me questions there. You must signup, login, but you can make an anonymous questions then. I only accept questions from logged users just to avoid spams. itself is a new service provided by FormSpring. It is a service offering forms management for web sites.

A fellow, Wibi, said he was exploring the site. I asked if he found anything interesting. And he just gave me these links:

A question for social networking observers: will last long enough?

Palapa Ring

The current edition of E&T is again mentioning Indonesia. It is about the Palapa Ring: the fibre-optic development project for eastern part of Indonesia. Only three companies remain from the initial seven-member consortium awarded the contract to lay 11,000 km of optical-fibre cables starting at Manado through to Ternate, Ambon, Kendari and Makassar. Telkom Indonesia (NYSE:TLK) is leading by investing US$90m, while lesser companies Indosat (NYSE:IIT) and Bakrie Telecom are putting in $30m each. Four other companies pulled out from the consortium due to lack of funds: Excelcomindo Pratama, Powertek Utama, Macca System and Infokom Elektrindo.

The construction should be completed in early 2011, providing over 70,000 villages with access to telecommunications services.

The initial plan for the project, to cost a massive $1.6bn, was to have the Palapa Ring project as the backbone of a network connecting 33 provinces and 440 cities across Indonesia via an estimated 35,280km of undersea cable and 21,807km of fibre-optic cable. It was to involve the construction of seven rings connecting Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua, with an eighth to connect them all. But financing has been a major issue. The project was first initiated in 1997 but on a smaller scale, then shelved due to the Asian financial crisis, which crippled Indonesia.

Telecommunications penetration in Indonesia currently stands at only 21.3 per cent with fixed line a mere 5.86 per cent. Inadequate backbone infrastructure has been widely regarded as crippling the country’s telecom sector. Many parts of Indonesia currently do not have access to basic communication and those that are connected have some of the world’s highest leased line and Internet prices.

Nielsen's Fifth Symphony

A couple years ago (it looks like just yesterday), I attended a performance of Nielsen Symphony #5 by Birmingham Symphony Orchestra at Warwick Art Centre. Only a couple months ago I found the CD of symphony, and only a couple hours ago I had the time to fully listen to it with no distraction, on a short flight from Yogyakarta to Jakarta. I cannot not exactly describe what I felt, but I guess it was a sensation even Nielsen had not imagined.

Last night I worked in the front of a mirror. Facing my own face, I realised that I was carrying the me I was not really familiar with: another me with awkward ways to express his ideas and feelings. Funny that I could see it, yet without having idea whether it should be overcome, on only to be laughed at. I chose the second. But when entering the plane, I figured that since this is not the real me (you know what I mean), why don’t I create simply create another me. It should be as simple as instantiating a class into an object :D. So I chose not to listen to Wagner or Beethoven; and there came Nielsen ;).

You could read my Indonesian blog or the wiki page discussing the symphony. But I must tell you: it is sensational to listen to it while viewing the sky-wide white clouds among the scarce blue sky. The annoying percussion, the cloud, the misplaced consistent motif of the clarinet, the bluish violet sky, the rich variety of dancing strings, the scarce green land below, the annoying pain inside my head, and I see the soul, of human, of the universe, its history, its law, its mathematic formulas, its perceived causality. Then I realised: I could not create another me. I found the old me that I have so far no time to see and to talk to.

For some obvious reasons, Nielsen would not be as famous as Beethoven or Wagner, or even Debussy or Stravinsky. And I know tomorrow I will listen to Wagner or Stravinsky like a maniac, and I will work like crazy so I will be blind again :). But today I want to (like a grammy awardee) express my deep gratitude 🙂 to Nielsen. Even only for a couple minutes, the symphony had filtered the thick clouds inside my mind, so I could see myself.

Here’s an excerpt of the first movement. Play it only if you have enough time and patience. And, sorry, an excerpt surely cannot replace the complete symphony 😉

Twitterville, Chapter 1

At last I could catch Shel Israel‘s Twitterville at Aksara Bookshop here in Jakarta. Actually I have read some part of the book last month at Budi Putra‘s apartment. But now as I have my own book, I can read it in a non-geminian way (i.e. not-randomly). I haven’t finished half of it, so I guess it is not the right time to make a review. Instead, I just want to share a quote taken from the first chapter.

TwittervilleA devout blogger must know Ev William, the founder of Blogger (Pyra). That was my second platform for my blog, which I used from 2000 to 2006, before migrating to WordPress. When Google bought Blogger, Ev became an employee at Google. But then he decided to start his other startup: Odeo. It is in Odeo that Ev & other comrades develop Twitter. But when Ev was still at Google, he said he had learned two important lessons:

  1. Get the product right and make users happy before you worry about making money. Google had done that, and for that matter, so had Pyra.
  2. Focus is everything. Every company has to choose between what it can do and what it should do. the marketplace can be noisy and distracting. Don’t let that push you off course.

Those two lessons have guided Ev even after leaving Google and running Twitter. Even after Twitter was experiencing a prolonged ascent that seemingly had no end in sight, the issues of product reliability and focus would keep coming back, and the team consistently stay focused, and continuously put product reliability in front of other considerations.

On a small town of Leam, I saw a small cat shop. Curiosity might kill, but it took me inside the shop. Papers, cards, books, pins, and all cats accessories. Then I saw it: a fridge magnet, a small carved stone resembling a dark grey cat. A mystery emitted by its rough carving. Made in Devon, a county just beside Cornwall. I took the cat, and its mystery, here.

I’ve just relocate to No new content, sorry :).


It would not be my blog, had it not a discussion on Wagner :). DVD and CD of Wagner’s music & opera are hard to find in Indonesia (it was easier to find 10 years ago). So I need to be very lucky or have to literally escape from the country to find a good Wagner’s performance records. So far I have only 4 DVDs of Wagner’s visual performance: Die Götterdämmerung, Der Meistersinger von Nurnberg, Die Walküre I bought last month, and newly bought Siegfried.

Siegfried might be the least mentioned part of Der Ring Des Nibelungen tetralogy. But it is not the least important. Got stuck with the beauty of Die Walküre for months (many versions of music, excerpts, on stage performances, and complete operas), then the sound of hammer of Siegfried forging his sword fill in my ears, with acute violin & viola screams as the background, for weeks. It is Siegfried. The monologues, dialogues, and music are obviously written by a philosopher. Wagner was a comrade of Bakunin, a devout follower of Schopenhauer, and then a friend and mentor of Nietzsche.

Act 1 started with a gloomy dwarf who complained a lifetime oppression (reminds me to the opening of any Srimulat operas). He took care of thankless strong boy Siegfried, whom he gave food and taught wisdom. Came then Siegfried with a bear, fearless and careless. The dialogue opens our eyes what really happened. Mime taught with word, but his deeds were indeed ugly, just like Indonesian contemporary politicians. The cunning plan of Mime’s dialogue now reminds us of any Indonesian all low quality sinetrons. The fearless Siegfried was once copied in one episode of Astérix. OK, now you know that I watch sinetron, Srimulat, Astérix, and those ugly Indonesian political stages. Sorry to let you know :).


Back to Siegfried. Since Wagner’s year, Bayreuth is the center, and the standard, of Wagnerian culture. It sets new standard of the opera: in classical style, in contemporary style, in Star Wars mode, etc. In this 1980s records (of 1976 performance), the stage was shifted to display a huge smithing installation. A huge and quasi-functional :). That’s where in the fantastic visualisation Siegfried reforged his father’s Notung sword. As the strong sword was finished, the Act 1 ended.

Act 2 started with a gloomy music I have discussed a few years ago on Isnet mail group (discussing music as a way to communicate ideas). Then … then who cares. It is only a century old story :). Hahah :). I just impressed on how Siegmund (Siegfried’s father, performed in Die Walküre) is a total contrast to his son. The compassionate yet unlucky Siegmund carried the world upon his shoulder, loved his betraying god & father. Siegfried was totally free, fearless, careless, and took anything in his way in almost no expression on his face. Many criticized Manfred Jung because of his poor expression as Siegfried, but I think that’s the correct expression of a Siegfried. He could make the strongest sword (a stronger version of Notung), he could kill the dragon and cunning Mime without second thought. In Act 3 he could easily defeat his grandfather (who previously easily defeat his father, and frightened all powerful valkyries) and called him ‘coward!’ — plus he could find a lovely companion. That’s what Wagner’s concept of a hero. Let’s laugh at Wagner :). Let’s laugh at whoever wants to win the world, or the universe. Let’s laugh at ourselves.

No, Wagner knew that. He would then easily killed Siegfried in Götterdämmerung, in a stupid way :). The world needs no hero. And the god’s palace must be burnt. And that’s not the end. Life goes on. Gloomily or cheerfully as you may choose freely. You are the only one to choose the universe, to choose the way you are. Among Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, Wagner is possibly an existentialist. But let’s throw all labels. Let’s just live the life.


TNIThen he proudly displayed his first email address on his business card. Always curious with technology. I still remember his article series, discussing the aspects of electronic war. And the nights we spent to discuss philosophical cases. And his old typewriter (AZERTY, not QWERTY), that he at last left for the wordprocessor in his computers. He loves playing with typefaces. But over all: the quality of the text itself.

His letters, his diaries (where are those?), has disabled me to stop writing. These blogs are his fault :).

Eh, happy birthday, Dad. Five years you had left us; just about a week after the card with the email address. Hahah, it’s not like five years. You still come to my dreams, and we still discuss those paradoxes. Hahah. You used to be proud of your student — the current president of the republic. Five years ago you came in hurry from Pekanbaru only to vote for him. Sigh, I still cannot find a reason to share the proudness  :(.

Btw, I love you. And proud of you.

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