IEEE R10 WiE&Industry Forum

The leading role of the IEEE in advancing global science and technology development is undeniable. Still, outside the circles of scientists and engineers, people are more or less blind about the IEEE activities. Interestingly, since the leadership of Prof. Gamantyo Hendrantoro and Dr. Agnes Irwanti in the IEEE Indonesia Section, the publication of IEEE’s scientific discourse has been more widely disseminated to the general public. For two consecutive years, IEEE Indonesia has brought the IEEE President to Indonesia, featuring discussions broadcasted on television to improve the interest of the Indonesian public.

The IEEE President of 2024, Dr Tom Coughlin, paid a visit to Jakarta this week, accompanied by IEEE R10 Director Prof. Lance Fung, IEEE R10 Director-Elect Prof. Takako Hashimoto, IEEE R10 Women-in-Engineering Committee Chair Dr Agnes Irwanti, IEEE Malaysia Section Chair Dr Bernard Lim, and IEEE Indonesia Section Chair Prof. Gamantyo Hendrantoro. As part of the leadership activities, an IEEE briefing was held on the morning of May 14, followed by a talkshow broadcasted by TVRI.

The theme of the talkshow was “Shaping the Future: Women’s Role in Industry” — featuring prominent leaders from the industry, university, government, and the IEEE organisation in the region. One of them is a dear old friend of mine, Elysabeth Damayanti, the OVP of Cybersecurity at Telkom Indonesia. The talkshow started with an opening speech by Dr Agnes, and some keynote speeches from Ms Mira Tayyiba as the General Secretary of the MCI, and Dr Laksana Tri Handoko as the Head of BRIN — the Indonesian governmental centre for research.

As one of the speaker of the talkshow, I started by mentioning the implications of Complexity Science: that we always recognise the diversity of the systems we are working on, where different fields, agents, participants, are all interconnected, resulting in emergence: new values, greater values, surprising values. It is how the Internet and our digital world proliferates, and how both natural ecosystems and business ecosystems sustain. This perspective naturally supports the idea of inclusivity, as different agents from various demographic groups are considered crucial for the survivability and innovativeness of all the systems we are living in, including, surely and crucially, the role of women. It is a key reason to reduce and close the gender disparity.

The WEF has released the 2023 Global Gender Gap Report, mentioning Indonesia in rank 87th out of 146 countries in gender gap. Low enough, but still ahead of some developed countries in Asia, including Japan, China, and South Korea. Indonesian score was about 68% of the gender gap closed — including the relatively low gap in health quality, medium gap in economic participation, and high gap in political empowerment.

We believe that digital transformation that we are developing now, could and should plunge down the disparity. Currently we carry out the digital transformation in strategic & business level to alleviate the economy of the people from the eastern part to the western part of Indonesia; by developing platform, making some piloting implementation with the government, national industry, and then expand it. We work to to enhance MSME business, agriculture, industry, educations, etc, even to remote islands in Indonesia. It is evident, that digital platforms have provided women and men quite equally with wider access to knowledge, services, market & business opportunities. But the transformation must be carefully-planned and deployed with proper education.

Digitalisation in work processes allow us to provide better empowerment for women. It may bypass many social challenges, encouraging women to reduce the unfortunate judgement that are still existing from the traditional norms. Business transformation allow better inclusions in workplaces and business in general. It is also an opportunity for women to aggregate their commitment, capabilities, and opportunities. Use digital services to maximise collaborations, to work in partnership, to be brave take the leadership of the community, to lead the change, and to support each other both in personal level, organisational level, and cross -industry ecosystem.

That is the one of the key. Another key is diversity & uniqueness. So, women should keep their own identity, personality, and mindsets, to preserve different perspectives & values; while opening their mindset to new cultures, different ways of think.

I spent the rest of the time to listen from the honorary speakers of this event. It is one of the most valuable day for me this year, to learn a lot from the wisdoms presented today. Hopefully the IEEE Indonesia Section will continue this valuable activities more and more in the future.

About Dreams

After about 90 minutes sleeping tonight, I suddenly woke up, and decided to talk to Chat GPT about dream. Here are the copy of our interaction, with no modification or any kind of editing (except the heading sign to see the difference between my question and AI’s response)

What is a dream, scientifically?

Scientifically, a dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. Dreams mainly occur during the rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, where brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. During REM sleep, the brain undergoes increased neuronal activity, and the body experiences a temporary paralysis of most voluntary muscles, which is thought to prevent the dreamer from acting out their dreams.

The exact functions of dreaming, however, are still a topic of research and debate among scientists. Some prevailing theories include:

  1. Psychological processing: Dreams may help in processing emotions and memories. According to this theory, dreaming allows individuals to work through the emotional events of their day.
  2. Memory consolidation: Some researchers believe that dreams play a role in the consolidation of memories, where the brain sorts and stores experiences, data, and learned skills.
  3. Cognitive simulation: Dreams might be a way for the brain to prepare itself to face various challenges by simulating potential real-life scenarios.
  4. Neurological housekeeping: Another theory suggests that dreaming allows the brain to clear out unnecessary information and repair itself from the day’s wear and tear.

These explanations are not mutually exclusive and may all contribute to the reasons why we dream. Each theory offers a different perspective on the importance of dreams to cognitive, emotional, and psychological functioning.

Draw me some example of what people are seeing during a dream

Here is an image depicting a surreal dream scene, with elements often associated with vivid dreams.

Why can’t I read books in my dreams? All letters look blurs or random.

Reading in dreams can be challenging because the part of the brain responsible for reading and text processing is less active during sleep. Specifically, the regions involved in language processing and interpretation, like the angular gyrus and other parts of the temporal and frontal lobes, may not be as engaged during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, when most vivid dreams occur.

Moreover, dreams are primarily driven by visual and emotional experiences rather than logical narratives or detailed tasks like reading. The content of dreams is often spontaneous and fluid, making fixed and detailed tasks like reading difficult. The text in dreams might appear blurred, constantly changing, or nonsensical because the brain does not focus on maintaining stable, readable text but rather on creating dynamic and often symbolic visual scenes.

So, when you try to read in a dream, the text may shift, change, or remain illegible because the dream is not maintaining the stability needed for reading as it would occur when you are awake.

Draw an example of an opening book seen by people in their dream

Here is an image depicting a dreamlike vision of an opening book with blurred and shifting text, capturing the mystical and surreal quality often experienced in dreams.

On the other hand, sometimes I could find a solution of calculation or computing problems or ideas during a dream. Can you explain it?

Dreams can indeed be a source of creative problem-solving and insights, a phenomenon that many people have experienced. This occurs for several reasons:

  1. Unrestricted Thinking: When you’re asleep, the brain is not bound by the same logical constraints as when you’re awake. This allows for more free and associative thinking, where ideas can combine in novel and unexpected ways.
  2. Memory Consolidation: Sleep, particularly REM sleep, plays a significant role in consolidating memories and making connections between new and old information. This process can lead to insights or solutions that you might not consciously make when awake.
  3. Reduction in Cognitive Inhibition: During sleep, especially in the REM phase, there is a decrease in cognitive inhibition, which is the brain’s ability to suppress irrelevant or distracting thoughts. This reduction can allow for more creative and broad thinking, which might lead to solving problems or generating new ideas.
  4. Subconscious Processing: Dreams might reflect the brain’s attempt to work through unresolved problems or ideas that have been lingering in the subconscious. When these issues surface in dreams, they can sometimes be resolved or approached from a new angle.

Historically, there are famous instances of scientific and artistic breakthroughs occurring in dreams. For example, chemist Dmitri Mendeleev famously dreamt the arrangement of the periodic table, and Elias Howe figured out the mechanism of the sewing machine needle in a dream. These examples highlight how the relaxed and unique state of dreaming can contribute to creative and problem-solving processes.

Draw me a combination of people faces blurred and interchanged during a dream

Here is an image depicting a surreal artistic representation of multiple people’s faces blurred and merging together, capturing the dreamy and mysterious quality of how faces can appear in dreams.

In their dreams, can people talk with different languages they do not usually speak with in real life?

It’s rare, but possible, for people to speak or understand languages in their dreams that they don’t fluently speak in waking life. This phenomenon usually involves languages that the dreamer has been exposed to at some point, even if they haven’t fully learned or mastered them. Here are a few scenarios where this might happen:

  1. Subconscious retention: Someone might have been exposed to a language through family, friends, or media, and this exposure is retained subconsciously. These linguistic elements can then surface in dreams.
  2. Language study: If someone has studied a language in the past but hasn’t achieved fluency, they might still dream in that language, often mixing it with their native language or other known languages.
  3. Symbolic use: Languages in dreams can also have symbolic meanings. Dreaming in a different language could reflect a desire to understand something foreign or unfamiliar in one’s life.

However, speaking a completely unknown language fluently in a dream—without any prior exposure—is highly unlikely and not supported by scientific evidence. Dreams might make it feel like one is fluently speaking another language, but this perception is more about the dream’s narrative and emotional impact than actual linguistic competency.

I’m interested with the symbolic meaning in a dream. Give me more explorations and examples of the symbolic use in people’s dreams.

Dream symbolism is a fascinating aspect of how our subconscious minds communicate deeper thoughts, emotions, and desires. Symbolic meanings in dreams can vary widely based on cultural, personal, and situational contexts. Here are some common symbolic uses and examples in dreams:

  1. Flying: Often represents freedom or escape. Flying in a dream might indicate a desire to rise above problems or to gain a new perspective on something.
  2. Falling: This can symbolize anxieties and fears of failure or losing control. Falling in a dream might reflect insecurities or instability in one’s life.
  3. Water: The state of water in dreams can reflect emotional states. Calm water might symbolize peace and clarity, while turbulent water might suggest emotional upheaval or uncertainty.
  4. Teeth falling out: This common dream symbol can indicate anxiety about appearance or feelings of powerlessness or loss. It might also relate to fear of rejection or personal embarrassment.
  5. Locked doors or obstacles: These often symbolize barriers in one’s life that one might be facing or feeling restricted by. Finding a key or a way around the obstacle can represent solving a problem or overcoming a challenge.
  6. Meeting a celebrity: This can symbolize aspirations or ambitions. Alternatively, it might reflect the qualities you see in the celebrity that you associate with yourself or wish to develop.
  7. Animals: Different animals can represent different aspects of one’s personality or life situations based on their perceived characteristics. For example, a lion might symbolize strength and leadership, while a snake might represent hidden threats or wisdom.
  8. Being chased: This is often tied to avoidance in one’s waking life. Being chased in a dream might indicate running away from a problem or an aspect of yourself that you don’t want to confront.
  9. Taking a test: Frequently related to job or school pressures but can also symbolize a self-evaluation of one’s abilities or performance in some area of life.

Dreams can serve as a mirror reflecting our inner thoughts, worries, and joys. Interpreting these symbols can offer insights into one’s emotional and psychological state, helping to understand hidden feelings and unresolved issues. The personal meaning of symbols can vary, and exploring these in the context of one’s own life can be particularly revealing.

In my dreams, I can see colours. But many people said that they can only dream in black and white. What is the reasons of the difference?

The experience of dreaming in color versus black and white has intrigued both scientists and psychologists. Here are some key points that can help explain the differences in how people perceive colors in their dreams:

  1. Historical and Cultural Influences: Research suggests that the prevalence of black-and-white media, like television and films in the early 20th century, may have influenced the way people dreamed. Studies conducted in the 1950s and 1960s noted that older individuals who grew up with black and white television and film often reported dreaming in black and white. In contrast, younger individuals who were exposed to color media were more likely to dream in color. This suggests that visual media can influence dream imagery.
  2. Neurological Factors: The regions of the brain involved in processing visual information might work differently while asleep. During most dreams, which occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, the brain is highly active, and its visual centers can simulate experiences that are both vivid and colorful, similar to what it does when awake. Variations in neurological activity among different people could explain the differences in color perception in dreams.
  3. Personal Perception and Recall: The way people remember their dreams can also influence their descriptions of them. Dream recall varies greatly among individuals, and some may not remember the color details of their dreams, leading to a perception that they dream in black and white.
  4. Psychological and Emotional States: Emotional content and psychological states can influence how vividly colors are perceived in dreams. For example, intense emotions such as fear or joy can make dream colors appear more vivid.

Overall, whether someone dreams in color or black and white can depend on a mix of historical, neurological, and psychological factors, and personal memory of the dream upon waking.

Why are many dreams easily forgotten, while some dreams could be easily remembered for years; and why are some dreams are repeated?

Dreams can vary widely in how memorable they are or whether they recur, and several factors influence this:

  1. Emotional Intensity: Dreams that are emotionally charged are more likely to be remembered. The more intense the emotions involved in a dream—whether they’re positive or negative—the more likely the dream is to leave a lasting impression. The brain tends to prioritize emotional experiences because they are often crucial for survival and learning.
  2. Timing of Awakening: Dreams are more easily remembered if you wake up during or immediately after REM sleep, which is the phase of sleep most associated with vivid dreaming. Waking during this phase can interrupt the dream and thereby cement it more firmly in your memory.
  3. Focus and Reflection: The more you think about a dream upon waking, the more likely you are to remember it. Reflecting on a dream right after waking can encode it into your long-term memory.
  4. Personal Relevance: Dreams that contain elements closely connected to your waking life—such as significant others, major worries, or life events—are more likely to be remembered because they resonate more deeply with your emotions and concerns.
  5. Repetition and Patterns: Dreams might recur due to unresolved issues or ongoing stressors in your life. The recurring dream might be the mind’s way of trying to work out unresolved problems. Recurring dreams can often persist until the underlying issue is addressed.
  6. Neurological Factors: Some people naturally have better dream recall than others, possibly due to differences in brain structure or function. Additionally, certain medications, substances, and sleep disorders can impact how vividly dreams are remembered or how frequently certain dreams might occur.

Understanding why some dreams are remembered while others are forgotten involves looking at how dreams are processed and stored in memory, as well as individual differences in emotional and cognitive responses. These factors together influence the vividness, recurrence, and recall of dreams.

Sometimes I got some real problems with some people (life or dead) and could not solve it with communications (due to emotional barriers, disrespect, negligence, or death), and it stressed me extremely. But a single dream with those people with the people talked to me cheerfully or warmly or comfortably may really heal and comfort me quickly and sometimes permanently. What are happening?

When you experience a comforting dream involving someone with whom you’ve had unresolved issues or conflicts, several psychological processes are at play, contributing to the feeling of resolution and emotional relief:

  1. Emotional Processing: Dreams are a way for your subconscious to process emotions and thoughts that you might not have fully dealt with during waking hours. When you dream about reconciling or having positive interactions with someone you’ve had difficulties with, it can help mitigate feelings of distress, providing emotional closure or at least a temporary respite from the stress.
  2. Symbolic Resolution: Dreams often operate on a symbolic level. Communicating warmly with someone who has caused you stress or is no longer accessible in real life can be the mind’s way of seeking resolution and peace. This can symbolically fulfill the need for reconciliation or understanding, reducing emotional tension.
  3. Neurological Release: During REM sleep, which is when most vivid dreaming occurs, the brain’s chemistry changes—certain stress-related neurotransmitters are suppressed, and the brain processes emotional experiences differently than when awake. This can lead to a sense of relief and lowered anxiety regarding the situation or person involved.
  4. Cognitive Restructuring: Dreaming about a positive interaction with someone can change your perspective about the past conflicts or the person themselves. This shift in perception can make you feel better about the situation, even if nothing has changed in the real world.
  5. Therapeutic Effect: Dreams have a therapeutic component; they allow you to experience scenarios that you desire or need for emotional health that might not be possible in reality. Engaging positively in a dream with someone who is deceased or with whom communication is broken can provide a sense of what psychologists might call “corrective emotional experience.” This experience can be profoundly healing.

In summary, these dreams where you interact positively with individuals who have caused you stress can act as an internal coping mechanism, providing comfort, emotional release, and sometimes a new way to frame real-life relationships and past interactions. This internal resolution can significantly impact your emotional well-being and day-to-day life.

Are there some methods to induce or trigger some dreams to reduce emotional or health tension?

Yes, there are several methods that can help induce specific types of dreams or enhance dream recall, which in turn can contribute to reducing emotional or health tension. These methods focus on influencing the content and quality of your dreams, potentially making them more positive or helpful in processing emotional issues. Here are some techniques to consider:

  1. Dream Journaling: Keeping a dream journal by your bedside and writing down your dreams immediately upon waking can help increase dream recall and awareness. Over time, this practice can make it easier to recognize patterns in your dreams and possibly influence their content consciously.
  2. Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT): This is a cognitive-behavioral technique used especially for treating nightmares, particularly in individuals with PTSD. Before going to bed, you visualize a pleasant dream or think about how to transform a recurring nightmare into a positive dream. This can help change the dream’s narrative once you’re asleep.
  3. Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD): Before falling asleep, you tell yourself repeatedly that you will remember to recognize that you are dreaming. This technique can lead to lucid dreaming, where you are aware that you are dreaming and can potentially control the dream’s content, making it possible to address specific emotional or health-related issues consciously within the dream.
  4. Sleep Hygiene: Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding stimulants before bed can enhance the quality of your sleep and, by extension, your dreams. Better sleep quality can lead to more vivid dreams, which may be more easily remembered and more emotionally expressive.
  5. Focused Meditation and Relaxation Techniques: Practicing meditation or relaxation techniques before bed can set the stage for more positive dreams. These practices can calm the mind and may help direct the themes of your dreams toward more calming, soothing scenarios.
  6. Intention Setting: Before going to bed, set a clear intention or ask a specific question you want your dreams to address. This can sometimes influence the subconscious to generate dreams that revolve around these intentions, providing insight or emotional relief.
  7. Aromatic Cues: Aromatherapy with essential oils such as lavender can promote relaxation and potentially influence dream content. Some studies suggest that smells can affect the emotional tone of dreams.

These techniques are not only useful for trying to direct the content of dreams but also serve as excellent practices for improving overall sleep quality and emotional well-being.

Do happy people have less frequent bad dreams? Personally I only rarely experience bad dreams. Or, I don’t know, may be they are easily forgotten.

There is evidence suggesting that overall happiness and emotional well-being can influence the nature of dreams, including the frequency and intensity of bad dreams or nightmares.

  1. Emotional Regulation: People who are generally happier tend to have better emotional regulation skills. They are more likely to process negative emotions effectively while awake, which can lead to fewer unresolved issues spilling over into their dreams. This emotional processing can contribute to more positive or neutral dreams and fewer nightmares.
  2. Stress and Anxiety Levels: Higher levels of happiness often correlate with lower levels of stress and anxiety, which are significant contributors to bad dreams. Individuals who are less stressed might experience fewer anxiety-driven dreams or nightmares.
  3. Mood and Dream Content: Research indicates a link between mood before sleep and dream content. A positive mood at bedtime can lead to more pleasant dreams, whereas a negative mood can predispose you to more disturbing dreams.
  4. Recall Bias: The relationship between mood and dream recall also plays a role. Happier individuals might not necessarily have fewer bad dreams, but they may have a selective recall bias towards remembering more positive dreams or quickly forgetting unpleasant dreams.
  5. Psychological Resilience: Happiness is often associated with psychological resilience, which might help mitigate the impact of any bad dreams that do occur. Resilient individuals can recover more quickly from negative experiences, including bad dreams, possibly making such dreams seem less frequent or severe.

While individual experiences can vary widely, overall emotional well-being, including happiness, does seem to influence dream patterns. If you rarely experience bad dreams, it could indeed be a reflection of your general happiness or your ability to effectively manage and forget negative experiences in your dreams.

Can AI dream?

The idea of an AI “dreaming” can be intriguing, but it’s important to clarify what is meant by “dreaming” in this context. In biological organisms, dreams are a product of the brain’s complex neurological activity during sleep, serving various cognitive and emotional functions. AI, however, does not sleep, nor does it have a brain in the biological sense, so it does not dream in the way humans do.

However, there are AI processes that might be metaphorically described as “dreaming”:

  1. Generative Models: AI systems, especially those based on neural networks, can generate new content after being trained on large datasets. This includes generating images, music, text, and other forms of media. For example, deep learning models like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can create images of objects or scenes that do not exist, somewhat akin to how a human mind might generate the content of a dream based on past experiences.
  2. DeepDream: Google’s DeepDream is an example where an AI algorithm modifies images to enhance and alter the image’s features to produce dream-like, surrealistic effects. This process has been likened to dreaming because the AI takes existing information (an image) and reinterprets it in visually unexpected ways, emphasizing patterns in a manner similar to how the human brain might during dreaming.
  3. Neural Network Visualization: Some AI researchers visualize what is happening inside neural networks, often during the training process. This can sometimes be described as AI “dreaming” about the concepts it is learning, as these visualizations can produce abstract and intriguing patterns that show how the network processes information.

These activities are sometimes metaphorically described as “dreaming” because they involve the AI system processing or reimagining information in creative or unexpected ways. However, this is fundamentally different from the biological processes of dreaming in humans, which are tied to consciousness, subconscious processing, and neurobiological functions of the brain during sleep.

Draw what AI may see in their dream, speculatively.



When I started the chat, I did not plan it to be that long; and just abour 5-10 minutes after the last response, I decided that I need it to be recorded somewhere for my future reference, i.e. in by blog.

BOD Convo: BRI & Telkom

As a part of Synergy team of Telkom Group, sometimes we are requested to facilitate meetings between or among SOEs. This week we got involved in a meeting between the Vice CEO of BRI (Catur Budi Harto), IT Director of BRI (Arga Mahanana Nugraha), Group Business Development Director of Telkom (Honesti Basyir), and CEO of Admedika (Dwi Sulistiani) as one of the subsidiary of Telkom. BRI & Telkom are two of the greatest SOE in Indonesia with strong roles & commitments to enhance ecosystem-based national economy through transformations in technology and business: BRI as the top bank in Indonesia, and Telkom surely as the top telco in Indonesia.

Streamlining among SOEs business developments is always necessary, including technological aspects. As a commitment, BRI will cease its satellite initiatives and return instead to use Telkom satellites (or other providers in compliance to regulatory and business norms). Alignments in the use of data centres are under consideration too. National economic development programs will be managed in alignment with competencies and business. An establishment of BRI-Pegadaian-PNM holding to grow MSME and ultra-micro economy is a good example for that, as well as other holdings and strategic alliances among SOEs. Doors for cross investment could also be opened, for example in healthcare ecosystem.


A short visit doday to Bunda Heart Centre in the central part of Jakarta to discuss some inexplicable discomfort in my internal circulation — a part of internal supply chain strategic operation.

Playing with the electronic devices, I was reminded to my jokes on the complexity theory in my past lecture in Udayana University, when I jokingly asked that if I got a heart seizure on the very time, I didn’t think any people might help me in that room, even when they know that heart is composed by cells composed by molecules composed by atoms composed by protons and electrons etc, and the room was full with experts in electrons and protons.

Well, I will not tell you the result here. Not here, for sure.

IEEE Lecture at Udayana University

As a part of the IEEE Indonesia Excom & Adcom coordinative meeting in Bali, we also visit Udayana University, to see the Advanced Research Laboratories, and also to carry out some sharing session to the academician and students.

Surely, first we had to meet the famous Prof Linawati, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Udayana University. With Prof Lina, we established the IEEE Udayana University Student Branch 10 years ago, in my serving time as the Chairman of the IEEE Indonesia Section at that time, after a discussion at Fortech in Bandung.

This is a weekend lecture, so I just briefly discussed about the development of digital platforms as the core in current technology and business ecosystems.

And surely I spent a couple minutes to — again — make an introduction to the Complexity Theory. It’s always fun to tell people about this attractive thing. You can read more about this at the other part of this blog: [URL]

Indonesian Solidarity for Palestine

Our solidarity for Palestine is unquestionable. Our commitment for freedom, sovereignty, peace, and justice for Palestinian started decades ago after learning the apparent injustice that we naively expected to fade, aligned with the advancement of science, information, global partnership, etc etc. We were obviously wrong: the colonialism, injustice, inhumanity, crimes agains humanity etc are still here, leading the so-called civilised world.

With about a million people of Jakarta today, we attended a solidarity mob to show our commitment and solidarity for Palestine and Palestinian people. We delegitimate the existence of illegal criminal zionist entity currently occupying Palestine.

Like our founding father of Indonesia, we understand that the Palestinian people love peace, but they must fight for their freedom, dignity, and humanity. We must also fight the global misinformation and misleading discourses.

IEEE Presidential Roundtable on Climate Change

It is not a regular occasion of any serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia. In our official note, the first serving IEEE President to visit Indonesia was Prof Peter Staecker in 2013 — he visited Bali for an IEEE Educational Program awareness while I was only days starting my service as the IEEE Indonesia Section Chair. This year, Prof Saiful Rahman, the current IEEE President, is visiting Indonesia for a couple days. The visit is related to the IEEE campaigns in climate change; so it is also the theme of his visit. He is visiting Indonesia accompanied by the current IEEE Indonesia Section Chair, Prof Gamantyo, and the IEEE Malaysia Chair-Elect, Bernard Lim.

As one of the programs within his visit, the IEEE Indonesia Section co-organise with TVRI, an on-air discussion titled the IEEE ASEAN Roundtable on Climate Change. The event was carried out today in TVRI, with the IEEE President Prof Saifur Rahman as the main speaker, and teens of other speakers from the industry, universities, research centres, and government agencies as participants in round table discussion form — including yours truly, representing the IEEE Indonesia Section Advisory Committee, and the IEEE TEMS Regional Leadership Subcommittee. The organiser is TVRI, led by Dr Agnes Irwanti, a member of its Supervisory Board; and Mr Iman Brotoseno, the CEO.

I explored the opportunity of using currently available or currently developed technology to reduce and overcome the impact of the climate change. Climate change is always one of the motivations behind many collaborative innovations in the development of technology and technology-based business.

Since I work in telecommunications industry, I started by giving an example in mobile industry. The use of cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access (CR/DSA) may optimise green technology by improving the efficiency and utilisation the spectrum by dynamic adaptation to changing network conditions and environmental factors. In urban areas with high network congestion, CR can switch to less crowded frequency bands, reducing power consumption and improving network performance; and it could also optimised to choose the most green-powered network infrastructure available. CR device can lower its power when communicating over shorter distances, conserving energy. CR also enables dynamic spectrum sharing among different technologies. For example, a cognitive radio network can share spectrum with existing cellular networks during peak traffic hours and switch to alternative bands during off-peak times. This optimises resource usage and reduces energy consumption in both networks. With the use of blockchain, spectrum may be shared among operators with easier accounting and cost-sharing.

In more applicative approach in the industry, the paradigm of of ecosystem-based business growth has motivated enterprises to share capabilities, resources, opportunities, so they can reduce the cost and risk, while also reduce the cost for the environment by many sharing methods used in business ecosystems, facilitated by massive digitalisation that enables process and capabilities to be modularised, reused, integrated, improved, and orchestrated among collaborative or event competitive businesses.

The use of technology like the AI and robotics play important roles in addressing climate change in various ways. Some examples:

  • The technology might be used for autonomous sensor-equipped robots, drones, and satellites to monitor and collect data on climate-related parameters such as temperature, humidity, carbon emissions, deforestation, and more. These technologies help in obtaining real-time and accurate data for climate analysis.
  • AI facilitates the analysis of huge amounts of climate data, helping researchers build more accurate climate models. These models are crucial for understanding climate change, its causes, and predicting future climate trends.
  • AI to optimise energy consumption in various sectors, including transportation, manufacturing, and buildings. Smart grids and energy management systems use AI to balance energy supply and demand, reduce wastage, and integrate renewable energy sources effectively.
  • AI-based integrated logistics management (4PL / 5PL) may orchestrate logistics services to share the logistics resources they have, with better supply chain model, supported by better demand and production prediction. It will also reduce the use of fuel and environmental cost to expand the transportation facilities.
  • AI to support agricultural practices, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving crop yields. Additionally, robots can assist in precision agriculture, reducing chemical usage and improving sustainability.

There are many more aspect of technology to be used to improve the environmental conditions, including the power management, traffic management, personalised education, etc. Other speakers also explored what we can do in the aspects of education, government policy, and others.

Even after the formal discussion, we still continue the discussion during the lunch session, after Friday-prayer session. I think it is also my first experience to accompany an IEEE President to a mosque to attend a Friday prayer session.

We closed the day with a more relaxing discussion during dinner at Plaza Senayan.

On Complexity

Computer Science Doctorate Program of Binus University invited me to provide an Industrial Talk for their PhD-level students. I offered them a talk on the evolution of economy and technology towards the era of complexity.

The day for the lecture was December 2nd. But since I was in Bandung that day, the lecture was carried out as a zoominar. The moderator was Dr Agung Trisetyarso; and the sponsor was surely Dr Ford Lumban Gaol, the Vice Chair of Binus University Doctorate Program in Computer Science, who is also the current Chair of the IEEE Indonesia Computer Society Chapter.

I started the talk by introducing the IEEE TEMS — Technology & Engineering Management Society, i.e. an IEEE society where I am currently a member of its Regional Leadership Subcommittee. TEMS aims to drive IEEE members in maintaining essential engineering management skills, supporting the leadership career path of IEEE members, and fostering active knowledge transfer between the academic and practicing communities.

The lecture continued by exploring the digital transformation in the contexts of digital strategy, digital architecture, and its innovative business model, which inevitably drive global business into ecosystem-based collaborative business (Warner & Wäger 2019) with its platform-based value chain (Jacobides, Cennamo, Gawer 2018) and virtually-connected strategic collaborative network (Graça & Camarinha-Matos 2016). After discussing the methods in architecting business ecosystems, the lecture shifted to business ecosystem as paradigm shift (Cha 2020). I figured that it means that business ecosystems are considered as another inevitability in a more complex business environment — even for non-digital business.

Ecosystem players — i.e. business entities related to the ecosystems — may have different needs, goals, positions, and abilities. When interactions occur, members analyse, adapt, and form an evolutionary process. Adaptabilities within a business ecosystem shows that a business ecosystem is a system that has the characteristics of a complex adaptive system (CAS).

Adaptability in CAS occurs both to environmental changes and to changes in relation among players in the system (Arthur et al. 1997). Simultaneous and continuous adaptability among players in CAS will result in co-evolution (Gomes & Gubareva 2020). This co-evolution also allows changing roles in the business ecosystem. The result of this collective activity is adaptability that creates new things (emergence) with dynamic congruence.

But this is not a deep exploration on ecosystem business and CAS. Instead, this talk aims to provide some insights on the aspects of complexity, where CAS and ecosystem business are only some examples of its parts. I then restarted with a storytelling of the exploration of complexities, starting from Murray Gell-Mann, his book The Quark and The Jaguar, and the establishment of Santa Fe Institute.

The scientific method is the portmanteau of instruments, formalisms, and experimental practices that succeed in discovering basic mechanisms despite the limitations of individual intelligence. There are, however, on this planet, phenomena that are hidden in plain sight. These are the phenomena that we study as complex systems: the convoluted exhibitions of the adaptive world — from cells to societies. Examples of these complex systems include cities, economies, civilizations, the nervous system, the Internet, and ecosystems.

The nature of complexity would include the phenomena of non-linearity, dynamic interactions, adaptation, self-organisation, evolution, and emergence.

Its consequences in economy and business, is that economy is analysed not necessarily in equilibrium, its decision makers (or agents) are not superrational, the problems they face are not necessarily well-defined, and the economy is not as a perfectly humming machine but as an ever-changing ecology of beliefs, organising principles, and behaviours (Arthur 2021).

We continued from WB Arthur (2021): Complexity economics assumes that agents differ, that they have imperfect information about other agents and must, therefore, try to make sense of the situation they face. Agents explore, react and constantly change their actions and strategies in response to the outcome they mutually create. The resulting outcome may not be in equilibrium and may display patterns and emergent phenomena not visible to equilibrium analysis. The economy becomes something not given and existing but constantly forming from a developing set of actions, strategies and beliefs — something not mechanistic, static, timeless and perfect but organic, always creating itself, alive and full of messy vitality.

So my main message is that a competitive business should not avoid or overcome complexities. Instead, complexities are used or even created as a way to open new opportunities, design new capabilities, and conquering new markets.

For its implication in strategic management, I offer a view from the IEEE to use — in this era — a framework called strategic planning for exponential era (SPX). I explored this framework quite deeply. It is taken from an IEEE book authored by Espindola and Wright (2021), titled The Exponential Era: Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Curve in an Era of Chaotic Changes and Disruptive Forces.

My presentation was followed with a warm discussion with Binus’ lecturers and students on some technological and business aspects of complexity, complex adaptive system, and ecosystem-based business, including its current implementation in Telkom Indonesia. I also offered to continue the discussion using a collaborative framework of IEEE TEMS.

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