Author: Kuncoro Wastuwibowo (Page 6 of 8)

Corp Approaches to Social Media

Quite a lot of articles, or even books, have been discussing various strategies for corporate approaches to social media. I will not call myself an expert in this field. I observe social networks as an engineer who needs to prove some interesting natural laws, haha. But let’s skip this part. Let’s spend a couple minutes for a discussion about social media for corporates.

First, about Web 2.0, or Internet 2.0, or even Culture 2.0. The stories about this always start from a shift in the role of previously assumed passive users that now become active contributors. I prefer to simply call it a shift, from information and communication, to conversations. And an important aspect in the conversations, of course, is equality. The role of info centers should terminate. Now everyone is an equal member who shares. No more providers and customers, and no more terms such as ‘customer education’ ;). It has been replaced by lively discussions: to listen to each other, to enrich common discourses, and to help each other actualising the passions.

The corporates: the old companies live since the era of centralised power and information, and the new companies that are greedy to find revenue as fast as possible, often stuck to classical things: making social media as a mouthpiece of the campaign. Various channel are synergised, or more precisely conspired, to blow information and more information, that in the end only to point to dullness: products without uniqueness, an unattractive services, and an awareness of mediocre programs.

Now then. The communication problem is only secondary. The primary one is what we really want to communicate. Companies neglect their tasks to create create unique products, improved services, intriguing information, inspiring ideas, etc. The shallowness are then shouted, possibly effectively. Effective to show the shallowness. OK, this is the main problem, which should be resolved prior to any entry into social media. Or, OK, it could be solved with the support of social media, because: the primary advice to social media is this: start by listening, then conversation, then sharing :).

The other problem, coincidentally, is just exposed at the end of the previous paragraph. The order of entering the public forum is not (1) introduction, (2) hit the scene, then (3) shouting. Instead, it should start with listening and observing, then commencing a sympathetic conversation, continued by sharing. This applies not only to the individuals, but also for large companies.

Another essential thing to do is to use the corporate icons. Imagine a Mr Z who suddenly delivered an interesting info from Company X. Everyone will figure out: Ah, Z is just a cheap marketer, who sends his message as his job as an employee, and earn from it. No one would blame or get angry, but the communication remains ineffective. The more interesting way is to encourage our employees to engage actively in various forums and social media according to their own passions. They might be an expert in photography, a geek in cutting-edge science and technology, an avid music lover, a diva in game consultancy, etc. You can imagine it. Scattered, but not too far from the mid-term corporate strategy. And all should use their own real name and the identity as an employee of Company X. They would become the icons or the ambassadors of Company X. Then one day they would discuss about new music products, game distribution, e-commerce, the future of mobile technology, etc. Now the public would listen, because the same Mr Z now voices his passion, his acknowledged expertise, to his close friends or communities. No more marketing sound, but an intelligent and fair opinion of a friend, a respected member of communities, who discuss things that enrich our life better, because the passions.

I guess it would not be easy for any company to accomplish those simple things :). Many are still dizzily occupied by affairs such as revenue, opex, capex, and short-term targets. Though, there is a solution for that. But not now. I have to make some preparations for my presentation in Hong Kong this week.

Taipei: 4G International Forum

Still related to 4G Mobile Technology, this month I was invited to give a presentation in the 4G International Forum, held at the Sheraton Hotel, Taipei. I found it interesting and challenging: it is a rare opportunity for me to give presentations in the official forums abroad, in a cutting-edge topic that is still a mainstream conversations in the telecommunications technology and business world.

Taiwan does not have visa-free agreement with Indonesia. So first I had to apply for the visa. Luckily, it was not a complicated process. Indeed, there is no Taiwan embassy or consulate here in Jakarta. But there is a Taiwan trade office in Artha Graha Building, where we can apply for Taiwan visa. And there, we’d find very friendly officers serving our visa process. All it requires is a letter of recommendation from the organiser, another one from the office, a document called “Kartu Keluarga” :), two photos, and a fee of about US$ 50.

I had sent my paper at the end of June. Accommodation at the Sheraton Hotel is provided by the event organiser. For transportation, initially I chose Garuda Indonesia (GIA). But presently there is no Garuda flight from Cengkareng to Taoyuan. They offered their partner airlines, though: China Airlines. However, I found their schedule did not quite fit mine. Eventually I bought online tickets at Singapore Airlines (SIA).

I departed early morning on July 11, at 4:00 o’clock from home. SIA flew me at 6:00 (all in local time), and I arrived at 8:30 at Changi. Waited a few hours in a comfortable place, then SIA flew again at 12:00, and arrived at 17:00 at Taoyuan Airport. The Forum would be held 12-13 July 2010.

Monday, July 12, the Forum began. Speakers came from universities and research institutes, developers and manufacturers (Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent, Huawei), consultancy agencies, regulators, operators, etc. I learned a lot about various aspects of 4G Mobile viewed from various sides. Fairly balanced between those discussing LTE and those choosing WiMAX, with various issues of interoperability and applications. Very enriching :). We had almost no time for a break. Coffee time and lunch time were used for networking and other conversations. If I took some time for tweeting, Mr. Tan (the organiser) would introduce me to one of the important figures (he emphasized that) to chat with. Was a real fun :). Oh, I had the time for tweeting while listening to the presentations :).

The organiser did not prepare a program for the evening. So I spent my time to visit three points in Taipei: Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei 101 Tower, and Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall. In Taipei 101, I misled myself to a bookshop (a mandatory mislead, indeed). I bought two editions of Le Petit Prince in Chinese language & letters.

Tuesday, July 13th, the forum continued. The second day was filled with a combination of presentations and panels. My turn was at 09:00 to perform my presentation, in 20 minutes. My presentation is classically titled “4G Mobile: opportunities & challenges in Indonesia” :). I began by telling the current conditions in Indonesia: how the public enthusiastically adopts the digital mobile lifestyle, proven by the rank this country get in term of Twitter, Facebook, and Opera Mini usages. Then the preparations Telkom Group has been taking for deploying 4G Mobile Network (LTE and WiMAX) through its subsidiary and divisions. Then how these issues could be matched with potentials and demands from the community developers, enthusiasts, and lifestylists (no, I did not really use such terms like these) throughout Indonesia. A bit about Indigo, IPTV, and the SDF / SDP. Then I discusses some LTE implementation model for the diverse regions and segments, with different migration models. Then to the regulation of WiMAX.

After the presentation, I had to wait another 20 minutes to listen to a presentation about the implementation of 4G, WiMAX in particular, in the Philippines. Then I had to go on stage again to join the panel discussion which took about half an hour. So I finished my tasks.

Done? Apparently not. Mr Tan told me to see a Professor from PRC (I would not write his name here, he could google it). He holds a position of considerable importance, and must be escorted by several people :). A serious discussion about regulations, about the IEEE, of the other conferences, etc. Then again another discussion with an officer from Taiwan ministry. Then I had to say goodbye to Mr Tan to leave earlier. My flight was scheduled at midday, so I could not attend the conference through to completion.

About an hour later with an orange juice at Taoyuan Airport. About seven hours later with a big mug of Chai Latte at Changi Airport. About ten hours later with a cup of Earl Grey at home. The week will be continued with IPTV implementation issues :).

Internetworking Indonesia Vol 2 No 1

The Internetworking Indonesia Journal (IIJ) is a semi-annual electronic journal devoted to the timely study of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Internet development in Indonesia. It aims to become the foremost publication for practitioners, teachers, researchers and policy makers to share their knowledge and experience in the design, development, implementation, and the management of ICT and the Internet in Indonesia.

Last year two journals has been published. The inaugural issue, published in the spring of 2009, presented papers discussing many aspect of internet infrastructure: wired and wireless network (WiMAX and PLC), middle layers (cryptography), web-based applications, and netizen’s lifestyle. The second issue, published in the autumn of 2009, was focused on Data Mining. This issue was guest-edited by Dr Anto Satriyo Nugroho and M Arif Bijaksana.

This year’s first issue was just published. This is a special issue on Instrumentation, Automation, and Control. And the guest editors are Endra Joelianto and Estiyanti Ekawati. The papers presented in this IIJ Vol. 2 No. 1 are:

  • Construction and Operation of the MARS-CT Scanner, by R. Zainon, A.P.H. Butler, N. J. Cook, J. S. Butzer, N. Schleich, N. de Ruiter, L. Tlustos, M. J. Clark, R. Heinz & P.H. Butler (PDF)
  • Analysis Throughput Multi-code Multicarrier CDMA S-ALOHA, by Hoga Saragih (PDF)
  • Inteligent Learning Objects (LOs) Through Web Services Architecture, by Ahmad Luthfi (PDF)
  • Industrial Control Quality Improvement using Statistical Process Control: Tennessee Eastman Process Simulation Case, by Endra Joelianto & Linda Kadarusman (PDF)
  • FPGA Simulation of AD Converter by using Giga Hertz Speed Data Acquisition for Partial Discharge Detection, by Emilliano, Chandan Kumar Chakrabarty, Ahmad Basri, Agileswari K. Ramasamy & Lee Chia Ping (PDF)

The IIJ provides open access to all of its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. This follows the philosophy of the Open Journal Systems. The journals are published electronically and there are no subscription fees. Such access is associated with increased readership and increased citation of an author’s work.

The next edition of IIJ will be published in the autumn of 2010. It will be a special issue on IP Networking and Services. The guest editors are Dr. Bernardi Pranggono (Dept of Electronics & Electrical Engineering, The University of Leeds, UK) and Dr. Setiadi Yazid (Computer Science Department, University of Indonesia (UI), Indonesia). For more information, please visit

Les Ecureuils

Three times the squirrels messed up our journeys: in Leamington Spa, in York, and at Greenwich. In Leam, we met them in the late afternoon, after we finished having our meal in the city park. Walking for a while, we saw some small grey squirrels playing on the grass. We were so engrossed in playing and chasing them, forgetting that we should instead chase a coach from Coventry to Leeds. Finally we got to Coventry before it was too late. But we must draw our luggages at high speed into the Pool Meadow coach station.

In York we were deliberately looking for the squirrels. Nine years before, I found a park where I could easily spot tame squirrels. But the park was not easily found. I forgot the name of the park, and I didn’t want to ask about “the park with squirrels” to the citizen :). At last I found it when I compared the photos I took 9 years ago with tho location of the York Minster. When we managed to find it, we spent some time to play with them, until almost too late to pursue the coach to Thirsk. In the late afternoon after returning to York, the squirrels there were already reluctant to play. Seems that they have more confidence in the clock in their nests than the sun that was still shining at 19:00.

In Greenwich, again we encountered the squirrels, wkwkwk. This was not a part of our plan as well. I didn’t even know that there are so many squirrels like to live in a city as big as London. Indeed at that time we were not chasing the bus, coach, or train schedule. However I think the squirrels were making our time at the Royal Greenwich Observatory became much reduced. Naughty squirrels.

I’ve read that peanuts are not good for squirrels. Peanut consumption make the squirrels get deficient of certain essential proteins, which ultimately makes them susceptible to disease, and their growth is also affected. Luckily we have always brought some nuts and seeds. Hey, we also like seeds :). There were many kinds of  seeds, which we purchased everywhere: from a traditional market in Cardiff, from Tesco Supermarket in Coventry, and from Sainsbury in York. Chris, our friend who we visited in London, commented that we gave too expensive foods for the squirrels. I had no other choice. I could not possibly give them peanuts.

Here are some nuts that we gave them:

You can judge how we pampered those naughty squirrels. Never mind — it’s not for every day. And the way they greatly cheered our journeys had given more value than the price those nuts.

Well, unfortunately, we could not also meet the red squirrels, which are actually the native squirrels of the British isles.


For some reasons the bus was suddenly shocked. I found myself awaking among the grassy hills of the Yorkshire Dales that were almost entirely green, spreading to the distant blue swell of the hills. There were various green tones of the meadows and those trees. From the windows, I could see the cultivated lands and solid grey-stone farmhouses among them. Farms with horses, cows, and sheeps. Sunlight still tried to sneak into the gray clouds when the bus passed along narrow streets of a small town. Less than a minute, the bus had stopped next to a small clock tower. It must be the market place, with the gravel streets. The market place was functioned as parking area for the cars. It was surrounded  by various colours of shops, and narrow streets. A “Co-operative Shop” sign over a grocer shop caught my attention, and made me smile. We stepped down, and set foot on Darrowby.

I often blog this town in both my Indonesian and English blogs. Thirsk, a small town in Yorkshire. A veterinarian who was also a powerful writer, with a pseudonym James Herriot, has introduced this city in his books to the world as Darrowby. It is his first book — If They Could Talk — which led me to this city. A photographer from The Darlington and Stockton Times, Richard, had waited for me just beside the clock tower. While I admired the clarity in the air, he took some pictures of me with Herriot’s book. Then we just walked, following Herriot’s steps. Kirkgate was a quiet street leading off the square and I had my first sight of the Skeldale House. Richard left us there.

Unlike James Herriot when he first saw this house, I did not feel breathless. I came with a smile, to a house I wanted to see since my childhood. I knew it was the right place even before Richard told me, I knew by the ivy which climbed untidily over the mellow brick to the topmost windows. It was like Herriot mentioned – the only house with ivy. It was Georgian with a red door and white-painted windows.

Also unlike Herriot, I didn’t need to press the bell and heard those five dogs barking loudly. Margaret had been in front of the house and a welcomed us friendlily. We shared a crunchy and fun chat, until finally she told us to buy the tickets in the house next door. “Follow me, Luv,” she said. Then with her Yorkshire accent (it was much better than West Midlands accent, btw), she told us what had happened after those books. James’ children are still living in Thirsk: Jim as a vet and Rosie as a medicine doctor. The historical house has been converted into a museum since 1995. Margaret also asked, how someone from the other end of the earth could find Skeldale House. Haha. It is surely the magic of the Internet.

Finally I was allowed to enter the house. First I read the name “D.V. Sinclair MRCVS” on the brass plate, and the name “J.A. Wight MRCVS” on the other plate, white over black. I rang the bell. Rrrrrring. Still no dogs barking. We had to open the door by ourselves. Inside the house, the rooms are maintained as the original: the formal dining room, family room, medicine room, surgery room, breakfast room, and the hallway to the living-room behind. I could imagine Tristan riding his bike in that little alley. Everything seemed like a dream that manifested itself out of the books I read and read again for many years. I might even drive James’ old Austin, but not exceeding the speed of 0 mph.

Behind the garage, a room was prepared to get to know James more personally. I have blogged this too often too. James Herriot’s original name was James Alfred Wight. He was called Alf, born in Sunderland but grew up in Glasgow. His parents chose Glasgow to build families and raise children with good culture. Alf loved classical music and liked to write a diary. I was amazed and fascinated to read the diary of young Alf, written almost every day.

But a professor came to his school and made him suddenly want to explore science and become a veterinarian. He enrolled at Glasgow, where the students attending college not seriously. But eventually he graduated. He worked in the Northern part of England, then moved to Yorkshire, for a veterinarian named Donald Sinclair in the town of Thirsk. Yorkshire, its environment, the citizen, and the challenges, had made Alf felt at home in this city. He got married and and raised his children here. Herriot book series are guaranteed to make you understand why he did not want to go from here.

He enjoyed his life. Enjoying classical music, journal writing, educating the children. But hard work did not always make money. His savings was only £ 20. He got the idea to rewrite his diary into a book. Joan, his wife, commented that none could begin to write at the age like this. But he started writing, and after several years of rejection, the book was finally published and became a great success on both sides of the Atlantic, then translated into various languages, including Indonesian.

Entering the next room, which is already part of a neighboring house, a black telephone rang. I felt as is the old Donald a.k.a. Siegfried instructed: “Pick up the phone!” I picked up the phone. A farmer’s voice was at the other end, in a dialect I could not recognise, complained about the condition of his livestock, and then he immediately slammed his phone. I put the phone slowly.

We walked around Thirsk. The marketplace is surrounded by a crowded store: bookshops, café, sweet shops (hey, maybe this was where Alfred the cat lived — a cat that required surgery because it has hair balls inside his stomach), the banks. Continue to the outside, a bridge stretching over a creek, etc. Darrow river, wrote James in his book. On the alleys: the houses of red brick; and behind: the hills and valleys livestock animals were released on the vast grassland.

Life did not seem complicated here. I walked slowly in the city that for years has always been inspiring me to be optimistic, to see all aspects of life as a bless, to face the world with love but also with tough endeavour, to admire the heterogeneity of human kind and thought. A city that in its way has constructed me the way I am now.

“Jump in,” shouted the coach driver. We jumped into. Back to York.

Coventry Revisited

Coventry welcomed me with a familiar aroma of frozen air. Quite startling, presenting the illusion as if I’ve just left this town only a few months ago. Many things were seemingly frozen by the time: the buildings with the same labels, the same texts, the same smells, and the same tones. Even the the sun that has not been set at 20:00 was so Coventry :).

But actually many things have changed too. The lower precinct had been renovated, and now become a neat mall, which is linked to the upper precinct that is not changed. I read somewhere that this is the first pedestrian precinct in England of this kind. It was then copied in many other cities. The new millennium arc has also been completed, adding an attractive area around Pool Meadow and the Museum of Transportation.

We started exploring my Coventry from none other than Coventry University. We stayed for two nights in Ibis Hotel, which is just behind the Technocentre of the University. This campus shares a phoenix as its mascot as the city, as the symbol of reawakening after a catastrophe. The phoenix always re-creates itself from its ashes, and presents a new shining life to fulfill its purpose to safeguard the world. The university itself becomes another symbol of the city, that reawakens and reshapes itself by the capabilities and pioneering in technology. We started exploring the technocentre, the Lanchester library, the Jaguar building (where I got my lectures nine years ago), and also the headquarter. The new logo (i.e. the old logo that is mirrored) now adorns almost every buildings on campus.

Herbert Museum, the cultural and historical centre of Coventry, was the next target. Coincidentally there was an exhibition about the origins of Coventry here; from its prehistoric times, the formation of the city, the story of Lady Godiva, the civil war, the industrial revolution, and the reborn of Coventry after being were destroyed by the world war.

We spent the time also to visit Waterstone’s bookshop, to walk around the city centre and the famous precincts, and other areas around the city. Seeing the sight of the city, one would understand another pun of Coventry. “Coventry inspires” as I blogged earlier, does not refer only to the phoenix and the high spirit of the city :), but also to the fact that this city has three spires as its landmarks. Yes, Coventry in spires :).

We spent the second days in some cities around the old county of Coventry and Warwickshire. Stratford-upon-Avon with dozens of large white swans on the river Avon. Hey, you know that in Welsh (Cymraeg), the word Avon or Afon itself means river :). We also took a sight to the magnificent Warwick Castle. The last city we visited in the old county was Leamington, where we had a rest in a green park. Also we spent the time to played with the cute squirrels.

But I had to leave my city. Again. I had to visit another city that marked my history: Thirsk :).

British Customer Services

Being stranded in Kualalumpur, the most uncomfortable thing was the very-very limited access to the Internet. I could not easily contact the hotels, train & coach operators, and others to rearrange my plan. Somehow I could partially do it. I contacted the hotels; Chris Prakoso (@mahadewa) helped me contacting the National Express; and at last I could also contact the train operators. The results varied. Hotels were accommodating (pun intended). National Express expressly and positively responded. Train operators chose to be the parties to gain the benefits from the catastrophe (I mean it).

Here’s their responses to my requests of rescheduling:

Hotel Bowen:

Hi Koen
It is certainly an unusual situation and we will endeavour to accommodate you when you are on the move again.
Please let us know any information as soon as you can.
Diane and Peter Ford

Ibis Coventry:

Dear Mr. Wastuwibowo,
We would be happy to amend the reservations to a future date, i have temporarily changed the dates of the reservation to beginning of May till you could provide us with a new date. Please let us know when you would require these reservations and we would make alterations depending on our availability.
I look forwards in hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Ranuka De Fonseka

Ibis Cardiff:

Dear Mr Kuncoro,
Thank you for your email.
I have changed the booking for next sunday the 25th. Once you know the date let me know and I will change it for the correct day.
Kind regards.
Jane Hanuskova

National Express:

Dear Kuncoro Wastuwibowo,
Thank you for getting in touch with us.
If you are rearranging your flight and need to reschedule your coach travel, we will be happy to amend your ticket, even if your original departure time has passed. All amendments will be subject to our normal amendment fees. However, if you are cancelling your ticket we will not be able to offer you a refund. We appreciate your patience at this time and ask that you refrain from calling us until your new flight details are confirmed. Amendments can not be made via email, please call us on 08717 818181 (0044 8717 818181 from overseas). I hope this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.
Yours sincerely, National Express

Cross Country:

Dear Mr Wastuwibowo,
Thank you for taking the time to contact us.
I’m sorry to read that your flight has been cancelled due to the recent volcanic activity in Iceland. Unfortunately, I can advise that the advance ticket you have purchased is non refundable and we are unable to amend the date or time of travel. I am sorry that I can’t be of more help in this case and hope you are able to travel despite of these disruptions.
Kind regards,
Chris Dade

First Great Western:

Dear Kuncoro,
Thank you for contacting First Great Western.
Unfortunately, we have been experiencing a high volume of contacts recently and although we are working hard to reduce our response time, we are still experiencing delays. I understand that you wish to get the refund on the booking. You have booked an Advance ticket for the journey. Having reviewed the terms and conditions of your ticket, I can confirm that this is a non-refundable ticket. To view the terms and conditions of this and all other bookings made in the last 90 days please log on to ‘My Account’ then click on ‘order status and refund applications’ on our website. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,

Thumbs up for those, who in the greatest post-war European transportation catastrophe still have clear and great minds to make exception policies for their customers who get stranded in other part of the earth. For Cross Country & First Great Western, congratulation for your great revenue taken without using too much brainware. Even in a great country, not all things are perfect 🙂


Boarding on an Air Asia airplane, usually we’d see a typical scene: the fog wind from the AC slots. Other planes won’t show a similar view. But last Thursday (April 15th), I didn’t see that fog inside the Air Asia X. But I felt tired, so mindlessly I put my little backpack to its storage, then sat in the seat 26K. Warm and humid. I closed my eyes uncomfortably. One minute, five minutes, fifteen minutes. Immediately I recalled the ground crews at that Kualalumpur LCCT, from immigration officers to the officers of who-knows department that successively checked and rechecked all the documents of the passengers too carefully, even with a magnifying glass. Then the passengers had to walk along under the blazing sun to the plane parked in the middle of the port. My recollection was interrupted by a strange feeling that there was no engine noise.

Then an announcement heard, told the passengers to patiently wait a moment, because the plane had not obtained permission from the ATC to fly. Waiting. Another fifteen minutes. Whazzup? And then: “We are sorry to announce you that the British aviation authority has temporarily banned planes to land at Stansted and other airports because of safety problems caused by ash from volcanic eruptions in Iceland. Please wait until our crews prepare to bring you back to the airport. ” I reluctantly opened my eyes. But I got off and walked back to the gate T48.

We had to wait for 3 hours before the next announcement: the plane was actually postponed. Then we were asked to return to Malaysian civilian area, through a gate where unfriendly immigration officers handwrote our passports with the words “flight cancelled.” Then we had to form a long queue. Really long. A senior lady fell, slipped on a wet floor caused by spilled liquid that was not cleaned. We could still see the bottle flakes on the floor. Ah, a long queues. And when my turn came, I was just told to choose one of three options: to wait until the plane might fly, to change the date (but not sooner than Tuesday), or to take a refund. I chose option 1 (did I really have a choice?). Then I had to pass the arrival gate (which is otherwise forbidden) to take my luggages.

Air Asia did not provide information about the hotel to these hundreds of stranded passengers. Some fellows tried to find information, individually, to the tourist information centre. A kind officer helped me finding a transit hotel, and made a reservation. RM 100 for the hotel, plus RM 42.2 for the taxi. A careless taxi driver drove us fast without knowing the direction and dropped my stuffs. But we eventually arrived. It was nearly midnight. I fell asleep in the room which equipped only with the bed. No, no bathroom inside.

The next morning, a Friday, at 6am, an SMS from Air Asia woke me up. A flight was prepared at 11am. At 7:30 the hotel manager knocked our room. We showered, and immediately taken (freely) to the airport. At 9am, we already queued up neatly. A long queue. The Air Asia crews were friendly, but they didn’t have any idea what to do with us. After waiting for the manager who made long distressful phone calls, I might check in. But then the decision was changed. So the others could not check in. We must wait for further announcements at 3pm.

Malaysians are proud of their information supercorridor. But surely the LCCT is far from the famous supercorridor. GPRS, UMTS, HSPA? Data roaming always failed (it worked in Singapore and Cebu). WiFi? None gave IP address other than 169.254.x.x. There was an Internet Lounge charges RM 25 per half hour. I reluctantly took it. There I just knew that the erupting mount in Iceland was Eyjafjallajökull. And that the ash (mix of glass and sand) flow could not be predicted until the afternoon. I sent mails to the hotels that I had reserved in the UK, also to the reporter in Yorkshire. Then I returned to the queue that had been out of shape. The officers had been replaced, still friendly, but still told me to wait until 3pm or to call a call centre number.  I had read the predictions on the BBC. So I decided to flee to Kuala Lumpur.

Paying RM25, we went by KLIA Express to KL Sentral. Then proceeded  to KLCC. I didn’t even know what KLCC is (I planned to visit KL on May, not this month). But in KLCC we could have a meal like normal persons, enjoyed the nasi lemak, and took pictures in front of the Petronas twin towers. Calling Air Asia, I was told that there was no further info. It’s annoying that Air Asia could never give predictions based on expert analysis, etc. They just monitor the information from the NATS, the current decision, and no more. A bit helpless. Yet we returned to the airport (LCCT) to take our checked-in luggages.

The Air Asia officers said that we should schedule our departure to the additional plane scheduled on Sunday, because on Saturday the chance of flying was very small. I went to the counter, where an officer kindly helped me changing the date for KL-London. But I had to take the printout in a long queue at the sales counter. Then having dinner at Mary Brown. It was a Friday night, and we had not reserved a hotel. All hotels near LCCT were full. But two fellows stranded passengers told us to stay in De Palma Inn Sepang (they stayed there, but then they chose to fly to Medan that night). Without making a reservation, we went by taxi (RM42.2). De Palma Inn charged RM125 per room per night (promotion fee). But there was an in-room bathroom, a TV set, coffee, and there was WiFi in the lobby. The TV shows only regular, free on-the-air channels, not a cable TV. News on TV1 was amateurish and embarrassing. They chose spooky words and tones to describe the situation of European aviation. A figure of ash everywhere without explanation of the location (I guessed it was in Iceland, not in mainland Europe). And, they did not give any predictions, other than narrative with excessive tone. The other TV show soap operas. Useless like Indonesian TV, haha. With WiFi, I explored Twitter and BBC. Mas Budi Putra had managed to escape from Berlin, but then stuck in Frankfurt, could not fly home. BBC said that the ash was still expanding. I fell asleep.

I woke up on Saturday morning with ease. Nice hotel. Then we were taken to the Nilai station by a car. We took a train to KL. There we chose to walk along the streets in the area that has classical buildings, around the Masjid Jamek. We prayed at the Masjid Jamek. Also we had an impressive visit to the Petrosains. Returning to KL Sentral, we had a rendezvous with Simon Lim, a young businessman working in WordPress-based web development. We talked long enough. Meanwhile, with the WiFi in the corner of KL Sentral, I read: the mount continuously sends ash to the sky. I decided to go back to Jakarta. There is an Air Asia sales office in KL Sentral. But the crew there really stupid, unfriendly, and asked me to pay a premium to change the date of the return flight to Jakarta. I don’t believe a moron like that might wear an Air Asia uniform. Hmm, I could even buy new tickets at lower prices. I went back to the LCCT. There, the kind officers of Air Asia helped me changing the date of my return to Indonesia at totally no cost.

Many other stranded passengers did not as lucky as us. They did not have money to stay at the hotel, so they made fences with the trolleys at the LCCT, then slept on the floor among the trolleys. There were also some couples who slept separately without joining the large group. That night we had a meal at Mary Brown again. It is surely better than McD. One of the fellow stranded passenger entered Mary Brown. He hesitated to approach us. Seeing we were eating, he stepped back. He tried to sell food vouchers to other visitors who have not bought food yet. Being refused, he went out with embarrassment on his face. We were depressed. Really depressed. We met one of them, and forced them to accept some RM we had. That evening we returned to De Palma Inn, still annoyed each time we remembered our fellows who did not have money to sleep in a hotel, or to eat. This is crazy. Crazy. Nobody’s fault, I guess. But it’s crazy. Disgusting. Annoying.

On Sunday, we returned to Indonesia. And still annoyed.

Oh, while we were gone, our house was renovated, because the roof was collapsed a bit. Threatening. But because we returned too early, the renovation has not been finished. Full of dust we found. And we slept like some stranded passengers, in the house.

Monday, I returned to the office. Still could not stop thinking about our fellows passengers that are still stranded in LCCT until now.


Memristor is too significant not to discuss. But, wow, this is my last day in the office before my leave. So, here’s a Spectrum article discussing the matter :).

The memristor is as fundamental an electronic component as the resistor, the inductor, and the capacitor. Still, it hasn’t even been two years since a group of researchers at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, in Palo Alto, Calif., reported that they were the first group to produce such a component—which means there’s a lot more to learn. But in research reported last week in Nature, R. Stanley Williams and his collaborators at HP provided a glimpse into what they’ve learned so far.

The component’s use in computer memory was a foregone conclusion. The memristor can reversibly change its resistance depending on how much current flows through it. The researchers’ surprising new discovery is that a memristor can handle either data storage or logical computation depending on the amount and duration of the current sent through it. Three memristors can complete a NAND operation, the researchers report, so any Boolean function can be implemented if you string enough of the devices together.

But Williams is quick to note that using memristors as pale imitators of the logic gates common to silicon circuitry is probably not the smartest thing to do. ”Silicon naturally wants to implement the NAND function,” says the HP Senior Fellow. A memristor, on the other hand, wants to perform something called the material implication, or IMP, function, says Williams. Logically, IMP can be thought of as pimplies q, or if p then q. The reason IMP is such a natural for the memristor, according to the HP researchers, is that IMP is easy to implement with a device in which resistance—rather than voltage or charge—is the variable physical state.

One of the conclusions Williams and his team have reached is that ”it’s important to take what nature gives you.” To do otherwise would be like forcing basketball star Shaquille O’Neal to squeeze his 2.15-meter, 147-kilogram frame into a race car simply because you know more about speedways than hard courts. Williams explains that you could use silicon components to carry out IMP operations, ”but you’d have a very complex and ugly circuit.” The converse, he says, is true for the titanium dioxide–based memristor. So in a sense, HP’s results serve as a brief how-not-to manual aimed at preventing the engineering community from wasting this newly created component’s potential. The HP team says it has already proved that memristors using the IMP function are capable of universal computation and can compute with circuitry no more complicated than whatever you can produce by stringing together NAND gates in silicon.

Williams acknowledges that memristors won’t completely supplant silicon logic gates. Because memristors can’t inject energy into a circuit, silicon transistors are needed to drive them. The good news, he says, is that a single operation in a silicon transistor can trigger computation in multiple memristors. He notes that a processor featuring a grid of memristors that operates parallel to a grid of silicon transistors might be two or three times as large as it would be if it only had the silicon. But because the number of simultaneous calculations achieved by the memristors is the square of the number of transistors, tripling a 1000-transistor chip’s size by adding memristors would yield a thousandfold improvement in computing power with a negligible increase in power drawn.

The HP researchers say there is still much work to be done before a commercial version of memristor logic appears. ”But we are learning at a tremendous pace, discovering new things, such as the fact that the memristor can do much more than just storing a bit,” says Williams.

Thirsk or Bust

Some days ago, the prominent blogger Iman Brotoseno suddenly asked me whether I have an interest of flying to London. A crazy question. I almost considered nothing before answering with only one word: Deal. In the following correspondence, Iman told me the T&C. Air Asia will pay the flight ticket for me, and only the ticket. I will have to pay all the taxes, the accomodation, visa application, and anything else. I must also plan the travel, and I will have to blog it, with a link to Air Asia. I might go with a partner, but the partner I chose must be a non-newbie blogger, who must also report on blog. Coincidentally, my partner is a long-time blogger too. Here we go!

It needed days before I could actually get  the ticket from Kualalumpur to London Stansted and return (I had to pay for the airport tax to confirm the ticket). Until now I haven’t received the ticket from Jakarta to Kualalumpur and return. But today I have submitted the UK Visa application. It will need about 10 days for approval. Wow :).

Meanwhile, here is my brief plan: London -> Thirsk -> York -> Coventry -> Cardiff -> London

  • London. Air Asia will terminate at Stansted around midnight. We will need a rest before our terrestrial journey. So, Day-1 will be occupied by short cultural visits in London. British Museum, or London Symphony Orchestra, or others.
  • Thirsk. All started here. In this tiny town, the late Alf Wight used to work as a veterinarian, and then wrote his book If Only They Could Talk, with his pseudo James Herriot. Thirsk was altered as Darrowby. The translation of this book in Indonesian — Seandainya Mereka Bisa Bicara — started my interest of writing my diary — and then blogs. Anything Andrea Hirata wrote, Edensor has nothing to do with James Herriot.
  • York. The voted best UK city. The cemetery of James Herriot. And the squirrels.
  • Coventry. In english, the idiom sent to Coventry means excommunicated. But here in Coventry I pursued my master degree in telecommunications. A reunion with my alma mater and the city I lived years ago must be interesting.
  • Birmingham. The perfect couple of Coventry, it is also the biggest city in the UK after London.
  • Cardiff. I have visited Scotland, including the capital Edinburgh and the highlands. So I decide in this session to visit Cardiff (Caerdydd), the capital of Wales (Cymru). In Wales, they speak both English and Welsh (rooted in celtic).
  • London. London has many uniqueness worth another visit, before the return fly to Indonesia.

Oh, if anyone wants to sponsor the travel: to pay the hotels, the train & coach tickets, etc, don’t hesitate to contact me :).

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