Month: March 2011

Tencon 2011 Bali — CFP

TENCON is an annual international technical conference of IEEE, Region 10 (Asia Pacific), which comprising of 56 Sections, 5 Councils, 8 Sub-sections, 334 Chapters and 491 Student Branches. Held annually since 1980, TENCON provides an important forum for researchers and engineers from the industries, and professors as well as graduate students from the academia to network and to discuss new ideas and developments in the converging technology of electrical and electronics engineering, computer science and related topics.

The prospective authors are invited to submit their papers in standard IEEE proceedings format as instructed in the on-line Paper Submission column. TENCON 2011 topics include but are not limited to:

  • Computational Intelligence, Evolutionary Computing, Fuzzy Logic
  • Computing Architectures and Systems, Parallel Processor Architectures ,
  • Software and Database Systems Mobile and Embedded System Software
  • Signal Processing, Bio imaging Processing, Image and Video Coding,
  • Telecommunications, Wireless Communications, Traffic Control, Network Security
  • Circuits and Systems, Systems on Chip, Optoelectronic Circuits
  • Microelectronics and MEMS, Nanotechnology
  • Power and Energy, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy Sources and Technology
  • Robotics Controls and Autonomous Navigation, Perception, action and cognition
  • Controls and Systems, Distributed and Networked Control, system architecture
  • Microwave Theory Technique, Antena and Propagation
  • Special track: Women in Engineering /WIE
  • Special track: Engineering Education, Learning and Teaching Method

Paper Submission : A final manuscript of not more than 5 pages including abstracts, figures, tables and references with letter sized page, single spaced, Times Roman of font size 10, two columns format. Paper must be submitted electronically in PDF form and accepted papers should be submitted using the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF via the website. All papers will be peer reviewed. At least one author of each aqccepted paper must register for the conference for the paper tobe included in the program. for
paper submission please visit the website :


  • Online Submission Opens 01 March 2011
  • Notification of Tutorial Proposals and Special Session Proposals 01 April 2011
  • Paper Submission Deadline 01 May 2011
  • Notification of Paper Acceptance 12 July 2011
  • Camera Ready Paper Submission 16 August 2011
  • Early Bird & Authors Registration Deadline 01 September 2011

CONFERENCE DATE: 21-24 November 2011

Organizer: IEEE Indonesia Section
Sponsor: IEEE Region 10
Co-Sponsor: University of Indonesia, Women In Engineering Affinity Group

Bali is a well-known paradise for tourists. Its climate is warm and humid, around 27-32ºC. It offers a beautiful white sand beaches and safe to explore seaside. It is renowned for its highly developed arts, including dance, sculpture, painting, leather, silver metal-working and traditional Balinese music.

Yogya: IEEE Region 10 Annual Meeting

Apparently, our campaign last year (in Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines) in proposing Yogyakarta as the host of IEEE Region 10 Annual General Meeting this year, had been a success. So, last week (March 5th – 6th), Indonesia hosted the Region 10 AGM, with a venue in Sheraton Hotel, Yogyakarta, only some kilometres from the peak of Mt Merapi, that suddenly flew the hot lava those days :).

This annual meeting presented the President-Elect of the IEEE, Gordon Day; Director of Region 10, Lawrence Wong; the leaders of divisions, councils, sections, and chapters, and other representatives from almost all countries in Asia Pacific, including Indonesia. Indonesia representatives were led by IEEE Indonesia Section Chair, Muhammad Ary Murti. I myself represented the IEEE Comsoc Indonesia Chapter.

The meeting was held in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, which is widely used in the parliaments of many countries. Chairman Lawrence Wong commenced the meeting with a Call to Order, followed by Roll Call and some reports. Was interesting to see that the sequence of these activities can be done on time by the minute. Regardless of their position, all presenters could give only a 5-10 minute presentation. In his report, Gordon Day recalled the transformation that is still continuing within the IEEE. Expanding from the world of electrical engineering, IEEE now includes the fields of aeronautical, biomedical, electrical, electronic, computer, information technology, mathematics, physics, telecommunication, automotive and biological engineering. The number of members has reached 407 thousand. However, this number is only less than 10% of the engineers working in the fields of the IEEE. In the US, only 7.5% engineers in these fields are members of the IEEE. In Indonesia, only 0.5%.
Using a new tagline advancing technology for humanity, the approaches taken by IEEE are to strengthen the organisation to serve the new generations of engineers, particularly in new fields that will further improve the human life. IEEE is also directed to become more global, embracing the technological widespread throughout the world, and enhance its role and leadership. Economic, social, and cultural changes that are happening more quickly at this moment motivate the organisation to strategically improve the use of technology to support a better human life, individually and socially. The engineers must always be reminded that they still have a professional responsibility to support better life in the following centuries. Lawrence Wong continued by showing the uniqueness of the Asia Pacific region: this is the region with the largest number of members in the IEEE, and with the highest growth, especially among students and young engineers. This reflects the characteristics of this region which is the world’s most dynamic area of technology. What to do in this region is to increase the synergy between regions, especially with the Internet.

VP of MGA Howard E. Michel detailed that rather than taking care of membership, the IEEE will put more focus on its members: how to Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage the members of the IEEE. One example is to use the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) to build members’ leadership. VP of Educational Activities Tariq Durrani explained several initiatives to develop engineering education before the university stage, for example with TISP, TryNano, TryEngineering, as well as other approaches such as accreditation, certification, WiE (women in engineering), etc. The meeting also discussed the report TENCON 2010 in Fukuoka, TENCON 2011 that will be held this year in Sanur (presented by TENCON 2011 Chairman Dr Wahidin Wahab), and TENCON 2012 plan in Cebu. And … hmm … many many more :).

The participants, which reached around 150 people, were also invited to visit Prambanan Temple and Yogyakarta Sultan’s Palace (Kraton), to understand deeper the local culture. Dinner  was also served in the Sultan’s Palace. In addition, some participants independently took visits to other interesting places, such as Borobudur Temple, and Malioboro Street. Yogyakarta was really successful as a host to the IEEE Asia Pacific. Thank you, Yogya:)


  • Prof Gordon Day’s note about this meeting

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